March 14 1852

Dear Brother

I received your note on the 11th and tax papers from home which gives me great comfort they are all well and is fast preparing for their journey they expect the Royalist on the 1st of April. Will be on her intends to be starting about the middle of the month they want nothing from in the home 4o pounds for their journey.

My mother is very content since she heard we had the land for them then posted one to Maria the same day if you do no get answer soon write again to the agent. Richard is making boxes for them the made frize frocks & 1 vests he has their foots made they are all very much rejoiced to have a home to come to I hope we will have it before the are here my mother is much cheered with the hope of seeing us all again all she regrets is to prepare to receive them when the come as far as us. O may the lord bring them safe and be with them on their voyage.

I can not get an opportunity of sending this by hand it might be a long to wait for I know you think to hear from them to. All friends is well W. Nelson delivered the note is happy you so content let you send Maria papers as I cannot get one remember me to here, no more

I remain your
     Affectionate sister
          Sarah Golden

You did not say you told them to bring my aunt the cards

I will keep the papers until you see them




Last updated: January 25, 2024